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Finally caught up !

Sorry for the lack of an update, I tried to run away from home the other day but I accidentally packed the wrong charger so I gave up :P

Anyways ! I caught up with DGM FINALLY !!! It's sooo good and so... confusing...

Spoilers ahead, Cole you BETTER NOT READ!!

I can accept lord millenium being Mana, but Mana was the one that cursed Allen!!! Lord Millenium, who refuses to accept he's Mana wouldn't have faked it... cause like... he didn't even know hes Mana... AND ALSO!!! How did Millenium and Mana even be in the same the first place XD Like... can he DUPLICATE??? But you can see his "Mana" form literally inside his Noah form... AHHH THIS MAKES SO SENSE!!!!

Well anyways... [Spoilers] IS SOOOOOOO HAWTTTT like, Allen MOVE !!! That man is CALLING MY NAME!!! I'll show him a real demon goodness gracious...WHO SAID THAT ?!?!?

Anywayz (again) I'm craving sweets... (like Skim Bolic XD) I have a bunch of jelly pies in my pantry so I'll eat that but what I really want are BROWNIEZ!!! My mom bought some brownie mix and I've been eye the flip outta them !!! Ahhh brownies and some warm milk... I'd kill for that... AND SOME COOKIES !!!

As for website updatez, My friend Lucas is gonna help me with coding in profile comments ! if it works I'll add the feature to my other website the Monkie Forum. It's a forum I run dedicated to Lego Monkie Kid, a show I used to be big on. Social medias currently are kinda stiiinkyyy... so I made my own forum for everyone that likes the show n stuff ! season 5 is coming this summer, nawwttt looking forward to advertising the site again... Will probs just schedule a buncha tweets and delete twitter right after... anyways, I lefta sillay lil button there to link to my forum !! yanno for quick and easy breezy access !!! bai bai


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