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I fell asleep early yesterday

I'm the only one that showed up to school in my class !!! I was waiting for the others to show up, but they never did... so now i'm late for my classes !!! totaly nawt fair... >:[[[ i'm planning to redesign an old oc of mine... he's a little ugly. I wonder if I have any images of him on my laptop...

Okay turns out i do. he's still ugly. he's supposed to be a lightning martial artist, but you can't really tell can you X3 I made him in Custom Cast, so I guess something like dat is hard to convey doe. I might add him to Usako and Nagisa's story... somehow ┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌

once school ends ill probably cry of happiness, take a long break, then get right back to working on my projects. i'm so close to being done!!! anime is the only thing keeping me going every day... if it werent for kafka i probably wouldve ran away from home by now. juice is about to be restocked so ill stay

all of my friends are busy, I honestly might jus post another thing in the forum just for interactions.. eugh. for now, I guess i'll draw.

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