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Incoming from planet glorp

I have crackers and cheese but no milk to wash it down !!! This is a crime !!! Anyways I ended up taking a 2 day break instead of 1 day, my arm was getting pains and I was just generally fatigued.

The alternate versions of the art are here.

I've wanted to draw Rin since before Art Fight even began !!! I love his design and he's a little cute(≧∇≦)I love characters that have their skin and hair kinda blend into each other.

SPEAKING OF HIS HAIR. I had so much trouble with it oh my glob >:T I felt like I wasn't getting the essence right, but it was hard to avoid following his hair style more closely since it'd clash with my simpler shaped style !!! I eventually settled on something I was fine with but... @_@;;

I had a ton of fun with this piece ! My favorite part was probably drawing his hips and face, although that's pretty much always my favorite thingz 2 draw... so X3 I DONT mean this in a sexual way at all, but there's just something so enjoyable about drawing hips, thighs, bellies, bellybuttons... I didn't choose him because of his outfit but it definitely made the process 10x more fun for me !!! XDD I accidentally broke my simple style a little bit because of it ( ̄▽ ̄;) well wtv wtv

The coloring was fun too, I tried to give his limbs different colors so the art could be readable while also playing around with values to make sure it didn't look muddled. It definitely is readable, (ya I checked, its on the left) although I feel like I could've chosen slightly better colors. Ironically enough, colors have always been my weakest link when it comes to art. I think I did better than usual this time though (⌒▽⌒)

I'm really getting a good grasp on lasso tool drawing ! When I was younger I always thought I was gonna be some crazy detailed anime artist... and now I'm the exact opposite XD I just don't have the stamina and drive for how long that would take.. and either way I enjoy my output with this simpler style better ! I feel it suits my personality better, but don't think I can't do anything detailed ! I still know how to do realism (somehow) all people are just too ugly and objects are too boring for me to want to draw anything that detailed.

Anywayz back to the art itself I love Rin's design, I honestly might draw him next year too but that's a hard maybe. I don't even know how things will look for me next year ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ maybe if through some miracle the artist talks to me but I doubt that would even happen I'm ngl 💀 (sorry to break character) ALTHOUGH I have my eye on their oc Opal regardless of that

God I talk a lot here's the art

The Art

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Okay art portion over, no I still don't feel like talking about evading the cease and desist because I'm a bit lazy BUT I will put a video player in for a bunch of songs i've been listening to these past few days. Apparently the genre is called ska, I'm gonna sound cringe when i say dis but it sounds so... josei romance... I felt like I was experiencing an entire romcom about washed up adults ! Watch princess jellyfish btw. I need to find more romcom josei anime... I tried wotakoi but the main character being a fujoshi had too much importance and I got annoyed. I have no interest in watching Nana either... or apothecary diaries.

To be honest I have a vendetta against any romance series that I don't already read that includes sex which I KNOW is absolutely stupid... but !!!! yeah theres no buts. I'll just go read yona of the dawn and be off with it then </3 OH RIGHT THE MUSIC

Audio cover
あ、やるときゃやらなきゃだめなのよ。Crazy Ken Band

Audio cover
流動体についてOzawa Kenji

I was thinking of making an animatic with this song... maybe later in the summer !

Here you can draw while you listen (it fully works!)


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Jul 12

I was messing around with the ms paint instead of posting the actual attack and accidentally made a new oc I really like (¬_¬;)

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