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“International day” or whatever that means

It’s international day which means my schedule changed… this better be good. I BETTER GET FOOD OUT OF THIS !!!

It’s super duper hot and I’m baking outside !!! I almost stepped in dog poop too !!!!! Aaahhhh I should’ve bought a drink but now the bus is in front of meeee T–T


Later In The Day

I have 1 week left to finish my 3 projects, in all honesty, I'm probably doing summer school. I don't really want to talk about it.

I got MEATBAWLS from the international day thing !! and a buncha soda X33 OH and some good orange chiken

teebeeache i've been pretty annoyed the entire day... everything's been getting on my nerves !!! I guess it might be the stress or something. i'll listen to musik to push it all away X3

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