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June Egbert: Do The Windy Thing (part 1)

You heard that right. The third entry of the boyz shrine is about a GIRL and there WILL be multiple parts (two, ideally)

I will call this sweetheart June and John interchangeably, look out ! I will also switch between pronouns to keep people on their toes, you have been WARNED.

June Egbert is a dorky goofball and I love her for it. She is by far one of the most kind and patient characters in homestuck. Okay, this isn't saying much considering most of the characters kill each other, but she's seriously understanding !

His friendship (and relationship) with Vriska was seriously endearing. She did some pretty horrible things that pretty much no one would reasonably deal with, but even so. John took the time to hear her out, even when he didn't understand the cultural differences in troll culture that pressured her to murder others. Honestly then, I thought June was a little TOO kind ! He was seriously desensitized to the fact that Vriska murdered her friend !

That's the thing, June is a little... odd. He is questionably okay with things she shouldn't be. Terezi almost murdered her, but he was only mildly upset and even teasing about it ! maybe it's the way she types. She always seems to be chill about whatever she's talking about... but she did let Terezi help her immediately after Terezi tried to kill her, so there's that. same with Vriska ! John sees the good in people and always gives them the benefit of the doubt... unless you're his dad ! I'm kidding, John loves her dad.

Despite her kindness, at the end of the day John is a 2009 kid that grew up as a boy. She could be pretty messed up sometimes. mainly with the gay and retard jokes. (At least she didn't say negro like SOME PEOPLE!) I mainly just chock it up to Andrew Hussie himself rather than John being a genuinely mean-spirited person though. that being said, she's no saint !

just a bit overly oblivious and trusting ! one thing I can't get enough of is her silliness. she's a bonafide prankster !

He loves pulling pranks on people and being a silly little trickster !! I mean, him loving jokes was like a running gag in the comic !! (Colonel Sassacre and everything !!). Who happily carries around a LETHALLY heavy book called Colonel Sassacre's Daunting Text of Magical Frivolity and Practical Japery?? He's such a dork about his jokes ! I guess I can relate, I browsed an encyclopedia on my special interest too just last week !

Bottom line is: June Egbert is a cute as fuck character. everytime she speaks I want to hug her ! My love for her is timeless, save her from the evil Andrew Hussie ! I'm glad that Hussie was on board with making John transgender at least. It's a really great part of her character that I will hopefully explain in part 2! I'm only halfway through Homestuck, so once I have a better grasp on John's character I will be writing a more in-depth entry on her ! In the meantime, live laugh love June Egbert !

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