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The Dark Lord: A Total Hawtie!

Enter: The Dark Lord! The first villain of Alan Becker's Animator vs. Animation and definitely the hottest so far! He's assumably dead, but i'm holding out hope XDD

One thing about TDL is that he knows how to be evil in style. He's the only stick–besides King Orange–that wears an accessory, his wristbands! Not just any wristbands, fighting wristbands he made that give him disintegrating blades!! they're extremly cool might i add...

speaking of cool, TDL is SUPER cool! he's a super genius that could've taken over tha internet world at any time !! ...But was too busy smooching The Chosen One and terrorizing newgrounds XDD he oozes evilness and confidence... it's super hot! I wish i was a stick so I could be his boyfriend;;

the only thing is dat there isnt much to him besides that so you kinda have to make up a lot about his personality... which i have no problem with !!!

I ship him with TCO and KO big time... i mean how can u not?!?! XD

Shipping ahead, proceed with caution!

He lived with cho for 7 whole years, something had to have happened. experimentation, a fling, WATEVER! something had to have happened between them, the concept is too gud to deny!!!

Mango (KO) hasn't officially met Dark, but if they did... something would definitely go down between them, come on... if Mango can have romantic tension with HEROBRINE he can have it with Dark XDD

I kinda prefer kingdark and choblue over chodark, but dats something for a post in scrambled rambles... and the intricacies of how i view kingdark arent exactly things i can fully express on school wifi... so later. or never. XD

So thats my thoughts on the silly billy who did nothing wrong besides kill a few million stick figures, isn't my wife so cool ?!

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