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  • Writer's pictureLomax

Layouts I saved (personal use only)


<!-- (c) Layout created by sybilz layouts ( -->

<div class="scarletangel"></div>

<div class="mayura2"></div>

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main {

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background-size: cover;

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color: #f70000;

font-size: 72%;

font-size: max(72%, 12px);


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color: #ff0000;


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height: 150px;

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.profile h1 {

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div.profile h1 {

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background: #000000;

color: #601414;

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.profile .contact, .profile .url-info, .profile .table-section, .home-actions {

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color: var(--dark-orange);

font-size: 13px;


.details-table td:first-child {

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margin: 0;

word-break: break-all;

color: #8b8590;


.col, main, footer, nav::before, .online, nav .links, nav .top {

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animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;


.col, main, footer, nav::before, .online, nav .links, nav .top {

animation: float 3s;

animation-iteration-count: infinite;

animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;


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0% { transform: translate(0, 0px);


50% {

transform: translate(0, 8px);


100% {

transform: translate(0, -0px);


.online img {

content: url(;}



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width: 320px;

z-index: 100;

opacity: 100%;

background-blend-mode: color;

background-color: #00000038;


div.mayura2 {

background: url(;

background-size: 100%!important;

position: fixed;

left: 550px;

bottom: 10px;

height: 300px;

width: 400px;

z-index: 100;

opacity: 100%;




.contact .inner a img {

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.contact .inner a img:before {

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.contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(1) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before {

/* add to friends */

content: url("")


.contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(1) .f-col:nth-child(2) a:before {

/* add to favorites */

content: url("")


.contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(2) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before {

/* send Message */

content: url("")


.contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(2) .f-col:nth-child(2) a:before {

/* forward to friend */

content: url("")


.contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(3) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before {

/* instant message */

content: url("")


.contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(3) .f-col:nth-child(2) a:before {

/* block user */

content: url("")


.contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(4) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before {

/* add to group */

content: url("")


.contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(4) .f-col:nth-child(2) a:before {

/* report user */

content: url("")

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height: 30px;

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content: "";

background-color: transparent;

background-image: url(;

background-position: center;

background-size: 242px;

background-repeat: no-repeat;




.online {

content: url(;




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