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Today's the day!

Now that I've Annihilated all of the government officials thanks to teaming up with somalian pirates and finished coding for today (All by 5pm mind you!) I'm left with nothing to DO !!! ahhhhh

My friend has been talking to me about websites and such lately, I think I'm close to really convincing him to actively use his !! I mentioned making a webring, maybe I should look into it? It'll be a gradual uphill battle but soon a decent amount of friends will have websites >:3c Maybe I should join a small neocities server ?

Speaking of which !!! I've been wanting to meet a new group of friends but my luck has ran dry !! and I mean really dry. XDD Well dey say that wen one door closes another opens... I JUST NEED TO FIND THE DOOR!! I'm looking for small fandoms that are active but yeesh it's not easy. Maybe I should read Lackadaisy and see wat the fans are up to... although they may not be active. There's the TOG community but... erm...! I know beggars can't be choosers, but...

anywayz I finished da games section!! I wanted a different background but ╮( ̄~ ̄)╭

it looks a little amateurish, even for me (but what part of my website isnt? XD)

Well whatever whatever !! Selamat pagi !!!! X33



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