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"Uhh in english four-eyes"

Updated: Jul 19

I keep over-talking so I'm gonna REALLY try to keep this one short. I liked the music player thing I added in my last post so BEHOLD! Another >:3c

Audio cover
運命、というかUFOに(ドゥイ、ドゥイ)Ozawa Ken

Another Ozawa Ken song cause I love how funky and chill it is X3 anyways about the art

The art is here.

I was supposed to work on another character but then I saw the artist comment somewhere... and I checked their profile and tumblr... and I was drawn in against my will... DARN YOU ADHD!!! I had to support a fellow Lego Monkie Kid fan (crazy how I found another one by chance !) So I drew Lukas !!! I love Lukas he is such a cutie patootie !!! I'm a fellow coder (If I can even call myself one) so as soon as I laughed at his shirt I knew what had to be done.

I kind of pushed myself to make an animation again, which I'm a little bummed about but I was scared about the quantity of my attacks... I only have 2 defenses and I see a lot of other people with more so I'm kind of pumping out as many attacks as I humanly can. I need to chill out goshdarn it !! Either way, I HAD to animate Lukas coding of some kind. It's funny, my friend Lucas who knows how to code took a liking to him. SPEAKING OF WHICH LUCAS IF YOU'RE READING THIS–WHICH I KNOW YOU ARE–YOU NEED TO GIVE ME AN UPDATE ON THE WEBSITE'S COOOODDEEEE please

Ahem anyways I tried to avoid overusing the neon green, but I'm scared I added a bit too much... I only added it to his mouth. I hope it's okay...? It hurts to say but I'm more of a cartoon [gender N/A] than a video game [gender N/A]... It's not like I don't know any obscure video games but I feel like picking an obscure cartoon would be better for me to choose. I chose the failed Adult Swim pilot Welcome To Elltingville, it's about 4 obnoxious and crude super-nerds (no not super powered just super annoying). It's obscure, nerdy, old, and honestly quite good if you ignore... errrrm...!

Anyways I had a lot of fun bringing Lukas to life regardless. I'm probably gonna go draw yaoi or 𝓎𝓊𝓇𝒾 now :P

Anywayz the art:

PNG Version

Anyways thats it for the art section. I don't have much to talk about besides that... OH but I got Sol to read D. Gray-Man !!! She said she wanted a gothic manga to try out so you know I HAD to get her on dgm. The best part about dgm is that it can go from gothic and serious to super silly at the drop of a hat ! But it's balanced in a way that feels natural ^_^ that's something I always look for in the series I try (and it's why I love KN8 and Naruto so much) I mean Just look at these two gifs !!!

What was that ? The gifs were unnecessary ? I just wanted an excuse to post Allen and Kanda ? Preposterous ! >:P

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Jul 14

IM STARTING FROM SCRATCH CAUSE I LOST EVERYTHING... I have to draw out how the website is gonna look anyway. I cant just. throw myself in there....

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