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Watching Naruto in class!!!

NOTHING GETS BETTER THAN THIS!!! I've been watching Naruto !!!! finally in the final stretch, it's all filler X3

honestlyyyy I almost dropped the rest cause I was getting bored of filler they put about the "fuma clan" stuff (I don't care!!!) BUT THEN THERE WAS KABUTO X OROCHIMARU YAOI so I got interested in the series again XDD

ARRGGHH I hate that the ship is unpopular now!!! everyone thinks that orochimaru met kabuto when kabu was a kid, but thats not true!!!

I was browing a Naruto forum and I saw this post by Dragonus-BB- that explains my point well...

Forum Post (it's a little long)

"I may be wrong (or Kabuto may have Itachi syndrome and look much older than he is) but his age seems off to me. He looks little younger than when we're first introduced to him at the point he meets Orochimaru again.

He debuted as a 19 year old. Orochimaru left the village several years before the series started, at least 7 if I'm remembering right.

Anko was 24 in her first introduction, and we see her around the age of the part 1 genin (12-13) with Orochimaru shortly before he leaves the village in what little canon imagery of her as a child exists. Filler in part 1 and 2 repeat this imagery, but I'll ignore that as real credence.

Am I to believe that Kabuto, who is 5 years her junior, was older than her when Orochimaru left the village?

Nevermind that he could well have left the village not even as long as 2 years after the Kyuubi attack (didn't the Third say at least part of his leaving was resentment at the choice of Minato as Hokage?). I know the precise time he left and subsequently joined Akatsuki is fairly vague (the latter less so), but I'm being generous with my supposition; fairly decent sites like leafninja dare approximate it as 13 yeas before the series started, shortly before Naruto is even born.

In my opinion, at best this is 7 years before the series starts, which would make Kabuto an Itachi syndrome sufferer and have to mean Orochimaru left the village 5 years or so before the meeting in hidden rock. Meaning that root scene was the end if his tenure and he left around the time of the Kyuubi attack."

A replier named Turrin also said, "The timeline doesn't make any sense if you think about it and neither does Kabuto's appearance. Kabuto looks older than the Part I rookies by the time he joins forces with Orochimaru and after that we know he failed the Academy exams and Chuunin Exams many times, so he should be much older than 19."


There's no way Oro and Kabu met when Kabu was a kid, it doesn't add up in the timeline, it's baloney!!! (bologna?? AGH!)

The orignal post mentions itachi syndrome, for those reading (no one XD) that don't know, itachi looks super duper old when he killed Sasuke's parents, but he was 13!

Well, ye it could be itachi syndrome... but it couldnt -_- like Turrin said, Kabu took the chunin exams like a gajillion times so he has to be wayyy older. (Maybe he's using jutsu to look younger like grandma tsunade and Orochimaru? XDD)

BUT yea theres no way they met when kabu was a kid, he's too old for that to make sense in the timeline... AND ORO ISNT A GROOMER!!!!!



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1 комментарий

16 мая

Fujimoto hates yaoi thats why he made it so hard to defend the best ship X33

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