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I'll Take a Chip, And Eat It !

It's been 3 days since I last posted ! Not happened in that time, I found a loophole to postpone being arrested and posted my first fanfic on ao3 ! Lucas is probably gonna be the only one to know cause he's the only one that bothers to read my posts ( ̄□ ̄;) anyways more importantly I have another art fight attack, I'll talk about the rest at the end.

Ene, the other versions are here if you want to skip my process.

I ALMOST BIT OFF MORE THAN I COULD CHEW !! I drew Ene's character Sugar and Bacon's character Blade together, could you believe it was almost a full animation about pancakes ?? There's no way I would've finished that (。•́︿•̀。;) I'm showing it for demonstration purposes, but you can literally see I didn't finish because I realized there were too many frames for that kind of hand motion (that's why it looks off). Basically Blade was gonna sneak up on Sugar and have a pancake flop on his face. Yeah right !!!

I drew my husband kafka to flow off steam and was originally gonna make the final animation i made for kafka–but then I realized "wait this is uber easy peasy to animate i'll just do it for my attack" and so I did !! Here's da kafka drawing btw, I didn't get to animate him but he's still very very silly cute !! You can tell I got lazy though theres a ton of mistakes -_-;;

I also drew Red Son and Lee but that doesn't really prompt it's own post so go visit the da gallery, I just got it set up on the website but it's SO UGLY!! I didn't feel like fixing it at the time

ANYWAYZ about the art itself, I followed the same process. Splitting the frames up in different canvases XDD it was easier though since Sugar isn't as complicated as Spark (design wise)...

It was fun ! Drawing Them inspired me to make a humanoid version for my own stickman oc, Eclipse. What color should I make it's eyes... yellow ?

I originally wasn't planning on doing any friendly fire stuff, but I found out Ene was doing art fight this year and HAD to attack them. I mentioned it briefly before in my post about Bacon, but I owe Bacon and Ene a lot for shaping my art to be how it is today. I've been following them for around the same time (3 years–although I think I might've followed Ene a bit earlier than Bacon) and both of their art were frequently in my inspo albums XDD If it weren't for the both of them, I don't think I would've even met some of my friends or QPP via LMK. Bacon specifically pushed my will to better my anatomy skills and now I have a Morpho book in my room cause I refuse to go to art school ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

It was Ene specifically that pushed me to improve how I draw clothes (although I somehow feel as though I've regressed after my improvement ???) It has such a unique flow, I wanted to capture that FUCK I'M RAMBLING ??? long story short they both carried my art. I'm thankful towards both of them for being artists ! Anyways on to the actual art itself !

(The art itself)

Original Vers
Transparent Ver
Image Ver

Mini Blades (just in case you'd want them)

I'll have to talk about the arrest later because i'm tired and suffering from sweltering heat, but I'm exaggerating I hope don't worry ( ̄▽ ̄)/♡ I'll get just a cease and desist at most. Plus it's about my emulator website I didn't kill a zionist yet don't worry


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